Saturday, May 30, 2009

MG's Funny Comments of the Week

I decided to compile some of MG's funny comments of the week to publish in one blog. So here goes. This is compiled comments from age 2 1/2 to 4 years old.

"Mommy, why does Cruella De Vil go tee tee into her mouth?" (this was in response to me saying "Cruella De Vil sure has a potty mouth!")

When talking with her cousins about which one is the youngest she stated confidently "I'm the youngest because I eat the most hot dogs!"

"Mom, when Jake turns one year old can we call him Mike?"

"Let's change Jake's name to Caroline!"

"Daddy, you DEFINITELY have the biggest bottom in the whole house!!!!"

"Mommy, I love you as much as the ZOO!"

"Mommy, when I turn Daddy's age can I say bad words too?"

Pointing to my face she asked "Why do you have speckles?" I think she meant freckles.

"Can we just put Jake away somewhere? Like in the drawer?" In response to Jake getting into her toys.

"Mommy, I will watch over Jake for you!" We were at the park and Jake was playing. One of MG's friends walked up and said "Can I help you watch Jake?" MG replied "Sure, but it is pretty hard.... he eats a lot of ROCKS!"

"Mom, Maverick (our dog) is sick! Let's call the vegetarian!"

I was trying to explain to her that it is OK for people to be different and to have different opinions and her response to me was ........"I know Mommy! For example.... you are nice and I am pretty!"

Trying to prepare Mary Grace for a transition into a booster seat I said "MG, when you turn 4, you won't have to ride in your car seat anymore....." Before I could finish my statement she ran out of the room, pumping her fist in the air saying "YES!!! I get to drive!"
Aunt Allie: "MG you are such a DIVA!"
MG: "Thanks, Allie!"
Aunt Allie: "Do you know what a diva is?"
MG: "It's like..... when I want something, I want it now! Yes, I am a DIVA!"

1 comment:

Perri Speigner said...

What a doll! I miss those precious comments, sweet smile and good manners!!! Things aren't the same without you guys! Miss you and love you!