Monday, October 6, 2008

A Reversal of Roles- Our Off Season Life

I officially went back to work full time 2 weeks ago. I haven't posted in a while because that is how long it took to adjust to the new role of full time pediatrician and Mom......wait I am still adjusting! I will probably get it down once it is time to leave for the baseball season in 5 months!
My day starts at 5am, Jake is usually ready for his pre-breakfast, breakfast. 5:30 I am out the door with Allie for our 2 mile walk...... soon we will turn that walk into a run, but I am taking baby steps. By 6:30 I am out the door. AGAIN, and on my way to the hospital where I spend my day seeing newborn babies, teaching residents and guiding medical students to choose pediatrics as their career choice. It is a little bit like Grey's Anatomy- except no one sleeps together, there are few natural disasters and very little drama!
Most days I am heading home by 3:30 so I can pick Mary Grace up from school. The afternoons are filled with playing outside, playing inside, going to ballet class, going to bible study, making dinner, etc.
After dinner comes the marathon of getting the 2 kids bathed and put to bed.
By 8:30-9, after the kitchen is put back into "pre-dinner chaos" shape, lunches are made for the next day, bills are paid and laundry is done Mike and I finally collapse on the couch or into bed.

Mike is also adjusting to the new role of full time, stay at home Dad.
He does a great job with getting Mary Grace up, fed, dressed and off to school everyday. (One day he told me he forgot to brush MG's hair but most days are pretty smooth.) He is great with her!
The rest of his day includes grocery shopping, cooking, laundry and taking care of Jake. These activities include multi-tasking and I often find Mike cooking and mowing the lawn while wearing Jake in the baby backpack. Jake and Mike are really bonding and it is a "blessing in disguise" the time they are spending together....what other father gets this precious time with their son?
Mike got the job on the sports talk radio station and is working every Saturday! He is great and if you ever want to listen to him go to You can listen on-line live. His hours are Saturday 12-2pm and he is also filling in during the week for the regular guys. He is going to get to do a Maverick's post-game show on Friday October 17th. Below is a picture from his broadcasting booth last Saturday.

This life we lead is definitely interesting, CRAZY but most of all FUN! We love spending time with Mary Grace and Jake..... they are thriving due to the fact they get so much time with both of us.
However, we are still adjusting so be patient with us if we don't respond to an e-mail, voicemail or alarm clock in a timely manner!!!

*****I have to include a disclaimer here......... we do not do this alone! Thank you to our wonderful neighbors, family and friends for helping us through this transition. You know who you are and you are INCREDIBLE!!! We wouldn't be able to survive without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the babysitting, love, patience and words of encouragement!*****


Drew Myers said...

The picture of Mike cooking with Jake on his chest is scary!

"I shall call him ... mini me."

ashley said...

It's so fun seeing a little glimpse into a normal day in the life of the Bacsiks! We have so enjoyed getting to know you already and are looking forward to fun times! Your family is absolutely beautiful and I'll be needing pointers when #2 arrives!

The Wagner's said...

so glad to see you guys are settling in well for the offseason!!! we are doing the same! it has been so great to be back home! hope ya'll have a great offseason :) take care.