Saturday, December 11, 2010

Just Another Saturday Morning at the Bacsik House

(Law and Order Theme Music)

In the Bacsik family, the members are represented by 2 separate but equally important groups: the children, who usually create chaos; and the parents who battle through the chaos and manage to survive. These are their stories...... BUM! BUM!

5:58am Sleeping peacfully, dreaming of a beach in Italy....

5:59am "Luke!" (silence), back to dream....Beach, Italy, however now someone is screaming...Luke?!?!

6:00am "Luke Skywalker! I can't find it!"

Jake is awake.

Stumble down the stairs to find Jake's newest obsession- Luke Skywalker.

Find Luke! Proactive- find all Star Wars figures!

To the kitchen...must start the coffee or won'

6:04 MG wanders in- "Mom, I'm thirsty."

Make 2 orange juices, say a prayer the baby stays asleep a little longer, start load of laundry.

"Mom, I want to pee pee in the potty!"

Help Jake take off diaper and pee pee in the potty.

Deliver the orange juices- "we are hungry!"

Turn on a cartoon, find Luke again, back to the kitchen to make toast.

Deliver toast with jelly to the big kids- "we wanted waffles!"

Deliver mean look, the kids eat their toast!

Feed dog, paint 8 t-shirts for MG's school christmas program, pray Cal keeps sleeping.

7:15am Mike wanders in- kisses little heads watching cartoons, complains that he can't sleep with all the screaming.

Mike drops a pan in the kitchen.......Baby AWAKE!

Make a bottle, check email while he drinks it, another load of laundry.

8:00am No Milk....Mike to grocery store.

8:15 MG wants to color....get out coloring books. Unload dishwasher.

Set Cal in high chair with some fruit.

Make toast and finally warm up the cup of coffee I poured at 6:15am.

Cal eats his fruit, half of MY toast and feeds the other peice of toast to the dog.

*****The above events are a very typical day at our house....the below takes place in 15 minute time span all before 8:30am on a Saturday. All events are real, no embelishment needed****
Get coffee out of microwave, MG yells "Mom! Look!"
Turn to look, hit coffee cup against cabinet- mug shatters and coffee EVERYWHERE!
Jake runs in (wearing underwear, not a diaper) yelling "POOOOOOOOOP! I have to poop!"
Run with Jake to the bathroom.....too late.
Set Jake on potty, clean up poop and hear MG in the kitchen telling Cal to sit down.
Run into kitchen....Cal standing in high chair. Grab Cal and run back to check on Jake.
Remember coffee, shattered coffee mug and little barefoot girl in kitchen, run back to kitchen to at least clean up the glass.
Send MG to check on boys in bathroom.
MG returns saying "Don't worry, everything is OK in there. Jake is sitting on the big potty and Cal has the training potty on his head."
Just remembered Jake went pee pee in little potty before I set him on big to bathroom to find Cal covered in pee pee.
Deep breath!
Quick sponge bath for Cal, change his clothes, change his poopy diaper.
Diaper for Jake! not ready to potty train without my coffee!
Jake crying because he thinks Cal swallowed Yoda's head.
Reassure Jake that Yoda's head is somewhere besides Cal's tummy. Load dishwasher.
MG dressed, clean up coffee mess, another load of laundry, pay a bill.
8:30am Deep breath, look around at the chaos, smile........because this is my life and I love it! Say quick prayer of thanks for the 3 wonderful blessings God gave us.
8:31am Pour myself a new cup of coffee, hug my kids, and laugh! Because some days that is all we can do.


ashley said...

Love how REAL you are and not afraid to share the "everyday chaos" :) If we were all real honest, that's what most of our homes look like too! LOVE your family!

Deborah Murphy said...

Hey Sue, its Deborah Murphy and I have been away from the blogging world for a long time and just checked out your site. I miss you guys and your family is just adorable!!! I want to catch up with you so if you find time please give me a call 561-436-8537. Ps. I loved your christmas card!